How Courses Work

How it works

One of the many benefits of the Information and Communication Technologies Network  Career Pathway is the opportunity for high school students to earn college credit through our articulated and dual enrollment courses. These ICT courses provide a starting point for students that are new or curious about careers in both Cybersecurity/Networking or Technology Support and Services.   

All students start their Information and Communication Technologies  Career Pathway by taking  a year-long introductory articulated course, then they will progress to Cabrillo College’s Dual Enrollment courses for their second year.  Once students successfully complete the one articulated course, students will decide on either a  Cybersecurity/Networking  Pathway, or an Information Support and Service Pathway.   

Through our partnership with Cabrillo College, students will have the opportunity to earn college credit as a high school student throughout the entire career pathway progression.  With our proud partnerships with local companies, Cruzio and Digital Nest, as well as our dedicated instructors, students will have access to a wealth of support. 

Articulated Course

IT Essentials - One Year

All students in the Information and Communication Technologies Pathways start by taking the year-long CIS 71 IT Essentials course. This course is fully aligned with Cabrillo College and will provide students  the opportunity for college credit. Students who complete the course with a grade of “B or better/80%” and receive a recommendation from their high school instructor are eligible to receive 4 units of CIS 71 with the grade received in the high school course, and notated as “credit by exam” on a Cabrillo College transcript.  Students interested in continuing on the Cybersecurity and Networking Pathway will take the CIS 75 and CIS 81 semester courses as a dual enrollment student the following year.

Dual Enrollment Courses - Cybersecurity/Networking

CIS 75: Fundamentals of Computer Security - One Semester

CIS 81: Computer Network Fundamentals - One Semester  

Internship Program - One Semester

Students selecting the dual enrollment program will take advantage of Cabrillo College instruction. These semester-long courses are college paced and offered through  Cabrillo College. When a student is in a dual enrollment program, they are enrolled in courses as a Cabrillo College student, while also attending their high school.  As long as outlined requirements are met, a student will have an opportunity to earn both credit at the high school and community college.  

Additional information concerning Dual Enrollment and Articulated Courses with Cabrillo College 

Articulation Information 

Dual Enrollment Information 

Frequently Asked Questions